EGTS Employee Turning a Control Wheel EGTS Employee Turning a Control Wheel

Capital Area Project

Project Status


4th Quarter

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File Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) & Air Permit Applications

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Eastern Gas Transmission and Storage, Inc. (EGTS) submitted an application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity with the FERC on December 11, 2024. This project is filed with FERC pursuant to section 7(c) of the Natural Gas Act.

In response to the Application, FERC recently published a Notice of Application (NOA), which acknowledges acceptance of the EGTS filing for FERC’s consideration. In line with this phase of the process, FERC has assigned the Project a new docket number: CP25-29-000.

The complete application is accessible online at, using the “eLibrary” link and also available for review at public libraries in the Project area. For notification of future changes with this Application, use the “Subscribe to a Docket” link on the website, referencing docket CP25-29-000.


4th Quarter



1st Quarter

In Progress

Environmental Review and Public Participation

Information icon

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission published Notice of Schedule for the completion of an environmental assessment for the Capital Area Project.

The Commission will prepare and issue an environmental assessment by August 8, 2025, for a 30-day public comment period. Agencies will complete all reviews and reach a final decision for federal authorization by November 6, 2025.

All substantive comments received during the scoping period will be addressed in the Commission’s environmental assessment. In response to the Notice of Scoping, the Commission received 20 comments in favor of the Project, emphasizing its critical importance in meeting the growing energy needs of residents and business in Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia.


1st Quarter


Receive FERC’s Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity


2nd Quarter


Receive Air Permits, FERC Notice to Proceed & Begin Construction


4th Quarter



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In Progress


4th Quarter

File Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) & Air Permit Applications

Information icon

Eastern Gas Transmission and Storage, Inc. (EGTS) submitted an application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity with the FERC on December 11, 2024. This project is filed with FERC pursuant to section 7(c) of the Natural Gas Act.

In response to the Application, FERC recently published a Notice of Application (NOA), which acknowledges acceptance of the EGTS filing for FERC’s consideration. In line with this phase of the process, FERC has assigned the Project a new docket number: CP25-29-000.

The complete application is accessible online at, using the “eLibrary” link and also available for review at public libraries in the Project area. For notification of future changes with this Application, use the “Subscribe to a Docket” link on the website, referencing docket CP25-29-000.


4th Quarter


1st Quarter

Environmental Review and Public Participation

Information icon

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)’s Scoping Period requesting public comments on environmental issues for the proposed Capital Area Project: February 4, 2025, through 5 p.m. ET March 6, 2025

Following this scoping period, Commission staff will determine whether to prepare an Environmental Assessment (EA) or an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). If Commission staff prepares an EA, a Notice of Schedule for the Preparation of an Environmental Assessment will be issued (on or before 3.23.2025).

EGTS will then conduct an environmental review and issue a Draft (Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Assessment). Stakeholders will have the opportunity to provide comments on the draft, which EGTS will respond to in the final Draft EIS/EA.


1st Quarter

Receive FERC’s Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity


2nd Quarter

Receive Air Permits, FERC Notice to Proceed & Begin Construction


4th Quarter



(schedule subject to change)

About EGTS

Eastern Gas Transmission and Storage (EGTS) provides safe, reliable and affordable natural gas transportation and storage services to markets in Maryland, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and West Virginia. EGTS safely operates nearly 4,000 miles of pipeline and more than 985,000 horsepower of compression, offering one of the largest underground natural gas storage systems in the United States. It links to other major pipeline markets in the Midwest, Mid-Atlantic and Northeast regions, and provides reliable energy for a number of large customers, including utilities and power plants, as well as local distribution companies to heat homes and run small businesses. EGTS is also a producer and supplier of natural gas liquids at facilities in West Virginia.

By making enhancements to our existing facilities, we are giving large customers more options to move gas into their markets. We are implementing innovative ways to serve customers with products and services that are safe, reliable and efficient.

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Project Overview

EGTS has proposed the Capital Area Project (Project) to increase capacity on its existing pipeline system in your area. This will allow EGTS to meet increased customer demand by transporting an incremental 67,500 dekatherms/day (dth/d) from the Transco-Leidy Station to the Loudoun Station.

Regulatory approval for the Project will be obtained through the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) under a certificate of public convenience and necessity (CPCN), and air permits will be secured through the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection.

The Capital Area Project is anticipated to be in service by Winter 2027.

EGTS is committed to safety and environmental respect for the benefit of communities and its employees. EGTS operates with regulatory integrity with respect to local, state and federal laws. We are dedicated to the safety requirements for inspections, testing, operations, preventive maintenance, repairs, vigilant patrols of facilities and more.

Project Details

The Project will include updates to three existing compressor stations in Centre County, Clinton County, and Franklin County, Pennsylvania, and one existing compressor station in Loudoun County, Virginia.

Finnefrock Station
Clinton County, PA

  • Replace 2 gas coolers
  • Auxiliary upgrades around the station

Centre Station
Centre County, PA

  • Install new 6,130 horsepower (hp) Solar Centaur 50 turbine

Chambersburg Station
Franklin County, PA

  • Install new 11,110 hp Solar Taurus 70 turbine

Leesburg Station
Loudoun County, VA

  • Install new 5,000 hp Solar Spartan e50 electric motor

Anticipated Project Schedule



File FERC & Air Permit Applications

4th Quarter 2024

Environmental Review and Public Participation

4th Quarter 2024 – 1st Quarter 2026

Receive FERC’s Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity

1st Quarter 2026

Receive Air Permits, FERC Notice to Proceed & Begin Construction

2nd Quarter 2026


4th Quarter 2027

(subject to change)

Project Map

Project map

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, or FERC, is an independent agency that regulates the interstate transmission of natural gas, oil and electricity.

Under Section 7(c) of the Natural Gas Act of 1938, FERC is authorized to issue certificates of “public convenience and necessity” for “the construction or extension of any facilities ... for the transportation in interstate commerce of natural gas.” Thus, companies seeking to build interstate natural gas pipelines must first obtain certificates of public convenience and necessity (CPCN) from FERC. The Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct) designates FERC as the lead agency for coordinating “all applicable Federal authorizations” and for National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance in reviewing pipeline certificate applications.

Regulatory approval for the project will be obtained through FERC under a CPCN, and air permits, as required, will be secured from state environmental agencies.

March 12, 2025 — The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission published Notice of Schedule for the completion of an environmental assessment for the Capital Area Project.

The Commission will prepare and issue an environmental assessment by August 8, 2025, for a 30-day public comment period. Agencies will complete all reviews and reach a final decision for federal authorization by November 6, 2025.

All substantive comments received during the scoping period will be addressed in the Commission’s environmental assessment. In response to the Notice of Scoping, the Commission received 20 comments in favor of the Project, emphasizing its critical importance in meeting the growing energy needs of residents and business in Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia.

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EGTS is committed to safety on the job site and beyond and is an American Gas Association leader in accident prevention in large & medium transmission categories. Our safety and our cyber and physical security programs are built on personal ownership, compliance with standards, accountability for performance, and continuous improvement. On all our job sites, we work together to identify and mitigate conditions, processes and actions that could contribute to accidents or injuries. We communicate the lessons we learn to help keep others across the business safe and provide tools and tactics to help avoid a recurrence.

Our compressor stations are monitored 24/7 by the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system and are equipped with automatic emergency shutdown systems. Pipeline operators make use of extensive safety systems and programs. These can include:

  • Computer-assisted control centers capable of detecting and interpreting pressure or flow changes in a pipeline.
  • Regular air patrols in low-flying aircraft by experienced pilots and observers.
  • Periodic ground patrols for detailed inspection of the pipeline environment.
  • Highly trained maintenance personnel located at strategic points along the pipeline.
  • Continuous monitoring of the products flowing through the pipeline.

Safe operations are our highest priority: EGTS is always working to improve pipeline safety, raise public confidence with pipelines in your neighborhood, and ensure safe infrastructure operations.

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Construction and Operation

The Project will include updates to three existing compressor stations in Centre County, Clinton County, and Franklin County, Pennsylvania, and one existing compressor station in Loudoun County, Virginia.

Construction is anticipated to begin in 2026. Information about the construction process will be available soon. The Project is expected to be completed in 2027.

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Respecting the environment is key to the long-term sustainability of our business. With a long history in environmental stewardship, we know how important it is to care for our air, land and water. As such, Eastern Gas Transmission and Storage (EGTS) is committed to using natural resources wisely and protecting our environment for the benefit of future generations. Our Environmental RESPECT policy serves to guide our corporate efforts and commitment in the areas of Responsibility, Efficiency, Stewardship, Performance, Evaluation, Communication and Training.

When we plan new natural gas and storage facilities, we implement best practices to protect biodiversity and minimize local environmental impacts. We base our routing considerations on the protection of land use, the environment, and the communities and economic impact within. Project baseline information collected through field surveys and existing data is used to complete extensive evaluations to understand how our projects interact with air and noise quality, fish and wildlife, and vegetation. In the areas where the project crosses wetlands and water resources, appropriate crossing methods along with a well-developed plan for restoration/mitigation will be planned. Additionally, through the FERC process, potential environmental and cultural impacts will be identified and understood, and appropriate mitigation strategies, techniques and best practices will be developed.

Looking for better ways to bring clean energy to our service footprint is part of what we do for each project. We are taking action by investing in technology to help reduce the already low amount of methane released from our gas transmission operations annually. As a part of our commitment to emission reduction, EGTS is part of the ONE Future Coalition, a group of more than 45 Natural Gas companies working together to voluntarily reduce methane emissions across the Natural Gas value chain to one percent less by 2025.

In addition to sustainable business operations, we believe that being a good steward of the environment includes supporting efforts in our community to sustain the vital resources we share. Our yearly grants to organizations, such as Keystone Elk Country Alliance and Project Healing Waters, assist in preserving and enhancing the environment in the communities we serve.

The Capital Area Project will provide a reliable natural gas supply by connecting the pipeline and supporting structures to a power generation plant. The Project is designed to minimize additional impacts on the environment while providing much-needed gas to the area for power generation, industrial growth and heating needs.

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Public Input Opportunities

EGTS welcomes your feedback on the Capital Area Project. We will be sharing information on the project and offering several opportunities for public input throughout the regulatory process, including:

  • Meetings or presentations with elected officials, business and civic organizations, landowners and other interested stakeholders
  • Informational materials available at meetings and on the Capital Area Project Website.
  • Open houses

Open Houses

Franklin County, PA

Monday, October 21, 2024
5:30-7:30 p.m.

Chambersburg Memorial YMCA
570 East McKinley Street
Chambersburg, PA 17201

MapAdd to Calendar

Centre County, PA

Tuesday, October 22, 2024
5:30-7:30 p.m.

Lambert Hall
303 Forge Road
Bellefonte, PA 16823

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Loudoun County, VA

Monday, October 28, 2024
5:30-7:30 p.m.

Douglass Community Center
407 East Market Street
Leesburg, VA 20176

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Contact Us

You may reach the team via the following contact vehicles:

Comment Form

Click to open Comment Form
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Community Engagement

EGTS is committed to open, proactive and ongoing outreach with landowners, neighbors and other interested stakeholders in the communities where we live and work. Our outreach is informed through research to better understand the circumstances of each community touched by the project. Early in the process, we engage communities throughout the study area to help them understand the scope of the project and to provide them with a resource should they have questions. Listening is as important as sharing information; our goal is to understand the concerns of impacted stakeholders and how best to keep them informed during planning, construction and operations phases of the project.

Outreach to Date

Project team members have participated in meetings with local, state, and federal agencies and public officials, landowners, individual community members, agencies, and other interested parties. EGTS is committed to ongoing, timely, and consistent outreach as the Project continues through the regulatory process.

We gather, document, respond to, and incorporate stakeholder feedback into the project plan and the FERC certificate application. We also work closely with affected landowners to sustain transparent communications throughout the process.

Economic Benefits

The Capital Area Project will provide a variety of economic benefits for local communities:

  • Generating short-term, full-time construction jobs;
  • Purchasing construction-related goods and services from local providers; and
  • Participating in and contributing to ongoing community events and economic development opportunities.

Corporate Citizenship

The Capital Area Project team has been working in the region for many years with EGTS. Formerly Dominion Energy Transmission, Inc., the team has built and currently operates natural gas transmission, distribution and storage facilities in Virginia and Pennsylvania. We have employees based in both states who are active in their communities and who can understand and address issues, concerns and expectations for the Project.

Throughout the construction of the Project, we will continue to provide updated information on our progress. If you have any questions or feedback, we’d love to hear from you. Review options for connecting with us here.

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Thank you to elected officials, municipalities, local chamber of commerce officials, and economic development corporations for their support of the Capital Area Project. Please click below to read each supporter’s statement.

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Capital Area Project

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